Berkshire Hathaway’s fifteen common stock investments that at FY2013 yearend had the largest market value


Shares** Company Percentage owned Cost* Market
(in millions)
151,610,700 American Express Company 14.2 $1,287 $13,756
400,000,000 The Coca-Cola Company 9.1 1,299 16,524
22,238,900  DIRECTV 4.2 1,017 1,536
41,129,643 Exxon Mobil Corp 0.9 3,737 4,162
13,062,594 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc 2.8 750 2,315
68,121,984 IBM Corp 6.3 11,681 12,778
24,669,778  Moody’s Corporation 11.5 248 1,936
20,060,390 Munich Re 11.2 2,990 4,415
20,668,118  Phillips 66 3.4 660 1,594
52,477,678 The Procter & Gamble Co 1.9 336 4,272
22,169,930  Sanofi 1.7 1,747 2,354
301,046,076   Tesco plc 3.7 1,699 1,666
96,117,069 U.S. Bancorp 5.3 3,002 3,883
56,805,984  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc 1.8 2,976 4,470
483,470,853 Wells Fargo & Company 9.2 11,871 21,950
Others 11,281 19,894
Total Common Stocks Carried at Market $56,581 $117,505
*This is our actual purchase price and also our tax basis; GAAP “cost” differs in a few cases
because of write-ups or write-downs that have been required under its rules.
**Excludes shares held by Berkshire subsidiary pension funds.

Data source: Warren Buffett’s letter dated February 28, 2014 for FY2013 to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders

Recommended reading:

(1) The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Third Edition

(2) Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders, 1965-2013